4 simple ways to stay healthy this holiday season

4 simple ways to stay healthy this holiday season

Daily Vitamin D, walking, adequate sleep, appropriate nutrition and recovery from exercises/events/stress combine to give you five solid health benefits. (unsplash)

*Anytime you are beginning a new workout regimen or program, always have clearance or consult with your doctor if you have any pre-existing cardiac or other health issues.*

If you are looking to stay focused and accountable during the holiday season on your health and wellness journey — you are like many who might need an extra push when it comes to your nutrition choices, workout commitments and overall preparation.

In a study done by innerbody.com, more than 90% of people said they gain weight over the holidays, 18.3% of them stating 7-9 pounds from Halloween to New Year’s Day each year because of a lack of planning and accountability during the holiday season. 

Here are four ways to help you stay active during the holidays, which can be as easy as setting alarm reminders on your phone, writing out weekly goals or hiring someone – like a trainer – to hold you accountable. 

  1. Plan out your week’s nutritional and fitness goals

I’ve always been told that the battle is won in the general’s tent the night before. Preparation is always key in staying accountable and healthy during the busy seasons of life. Take time to lay out your clothing the night before a walk, run or workout. Download meal plan recipes or write down your food plan for the week. Set aside times to do these things so you are held accountable to follow through and there won’t be an excuse to grab take-out or miss an exercise session. Write your goals down, set alarms and reminders. Do what you need to do to stay accountable. 

  1. Once your goals are planned out, take the time to meal prep each week

Meal planning is key in preventing unnecessary unhealthy eating, grazing or eating out. If you take time to prep your meals for yourself and your family you will always have something to fall back on instead of grabbing something fast. You can also look into healthy meal prep company options that offer home delivery or pick-up locations that are catered toward helping you stay aligned with your nutritional goals. Downloading meal prep recipes and planning those with your family gets you a support system on board for the process also. 

  1. Hire a personal trainer

One of the best ways to maintain accountability when your discipline is lacking is to hire someone to lead you, and be your safety net to show up for workout sessions, classes or runs. A trainer will have workouts scheduled, meal planning assistance and be that extra push, listening ear or support system to hold you accountable to your fitness and health goals even when life is fast moving. 

  1. Get the big five benefits daily  (SSSNR) 

What are the big five benefits? Sunshine, steps, sleep, nutrition and recovery. 

Daily Vitamin D, walking, adequate sleep, appropriate nutrition and recovery from exercises/events/stress combine to give you five solid health benefits. Managing them all will help in the process of building your healthy lifestyle and staying active. 

Sunlight is the most natural form of Vitamin D, which helps absorb calcium to build and maintain bone strength. Getting your steps in daily (walking) is known to help with high blood pressure, diabetes, protect against disease and strengthen muscles and bones. 

Sleep is essential to creating healthy brain function and maintaining your physical health. 

Nutrition is vital in building stronger immune systems and lowering the risks of communicable diseases.

Lastly, recovery time and reducing stress allows the body to bounce back faster and be more present in daily tasks.

Combine all five and you are on the road to creating a healthy lifestyle. Doing these things daily and habitually are a sure way to hold you accountable in a healthy holiday season.

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