Commandments for Boomers to thrive by | Health

Commandments for Boomers to thrive by | Health

As Boomers, we’ve done more than merely survived. We’ve thrived, shaping the world with boldness, creativity, and unwavering spirit.

From the music we danced to to the cultural movements we sparked to the wisdom we’ve accumulated, our generation continues to evolve.

The following commandments remind us of where we came from and inspire us to continue living fully, embracing the present while looking forward to new adventures.

As we navigate the next chapter, these are our guiding principles, proving that life after 50, 60, 70, or 80 and beyond is full of potential, passion, and purpose.

Boomer Commandments to Thrive By

Thou shalt select the priorities that enrich your life and make you happy.

Now is the time to live life your way. You’ve raised the family and fought the good fight, and now it’s time for the spoils! You go!

Thou shalt cherish nostalgia but never be confined by it.

Honor the past (like sex, drugs and rock & roll) but keep seeking new adventures, trends, and experiences.

Thou shalt embrace technology, even if it requires a tutorial from the grandkids.

By mastering the latest tech, boomers can adapt and stay connected with the world.

Thou shalt remain curious about everything, from the latest music to global trends.

Continue learning, exploring new ideas, and staying informed about the world.

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An older woman smiling after voting.

Thou shalt vote because Boomers take a stand on all significant issues.

Taking a stand on injustice helps mold the Boomer generation, its music and societal views. Even today, Boomers have the most significant percentage of voters, except we’re called “seniors.”

Thou shalt mentor younger generations, sharing wisdom without preaching.

Share life lessons, but let younger generations carve their paths. Do not say, “In my day.” You are still living your day; let them live theirs.

Thou shalt maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Good lifestyle habits prevent everything and allow you to indulge in sex, drugs and rock & roll (in moderation).

Thou shalt keep your style timeless, but throw in a daring twist now and then.

Stick with what works for you, but don’t be afraid to reinvent yourself as often as needed. Keep your mind wide open!

Thou shalt travel as much as your time and energy allow.

Explore the world or rediscover your neighborhood—adventure is everywhere.

Thou shalt indulge in comfort but never forsake growth.

Take time for relaxation, but always look for ways to challenge yourself mentally and physically.

Thou shalt laugh, especially at oneself.

Life is full of humor, especially in your quirks and mishaps. Keep things lighthearted.

As we move forward, these commandments are more than words—they reflect our collective ethos as Boomers. We’ve weathered many storms, overcome challenges, and celebrated countless victories, and we remain a generation of change-makers. The essence of thriving isn’t just about longevity; it’s about living with intention, joy, and curiosity.

So, let’s embrace each day with open arms, defying expectations and setting the standard for future generations. The choice is always ours: to live life as an ongoing adventure as leaders of our vibrant and dynamic jungle.

Thrive as a lion in your jungle, not as a creature in a zoo. Your journey continues wherever you choose to roam.

About H. Frances Reaves, Esq.


H. Frances Reaves.

An estate and Medicaid planning attorney, Frances began her legal career as a litigator/lobbyist. After 15 years in Maryland politics, she moved back to Key Biscayne and founded Parent Your Parents, an Elder Advocacy group.

She was inspired by her parents’ struggle with the “Elder Bureaucratic System” and realized help was needed. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact her at [email protected] or 786-418-3303.

For Frances Reaves’ last column, click here.


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