How healthy are your insides? Quiz reveals what your vital organs might look like based on your lifestyle

How healthy are your insides? Quiz reveals what your vital organs might look like based on your lifestyle

A NEW quiz reveals what your insides could look like based on your lifestyle.

The detailed tool, which has been developed with Dr Crystal Wyllie, looks at everything from water and alcohol intake to the number of steps taken daily and exercise.

Illustration of human organs and a stethoscope.


A new online tool can reveal what your stomach, liver, heart and kidneys might look likeCredit: Getty

It crunches the numbers to reveal how the stomach, liver, heart, and kidneys may look as a result.

A study of 2,000 adults found seven in 10 aren’t eating five portions of fruit and veg each day – with a third regularly eating processed foods.

And the research discovered 20 per cent will have fizzy drinks just as frequently.

However, 16 per cent admit they never do any exercise at all, and 21 per cent do so just once or twice in a typical week.

Read more on being healthy

Despite this, just 18 per cent recognise their lifestyle isn’t healthy.

With 34 per cent of these blaming a lack of sleep and processed or sugary foods (50 per cent) for this.

Dr Wyllie, who worked with Asda Online Doctor to create the tool and commission the research, said: “At this time of year, millions of people up and down the country will be looking to shake up their own exercise and diet routines but shaking off unhealthy habits is not always easy.

“A common issue people face is trying to do too much, too soon – incremental changes, in different areas of life, are key to making slow and steady progress.”

But of those who self-describe as unhealthy, 45 per cent rarely engage in physical activity, and the same amount struggle to get fruits and vegetables into their diet.

Although 31 per cent of all respondents have set themselves a New Year’s target to lose weight, according to the figures.

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Half (52 per cent) plan to exercise more regularly, 39 per cent aim to eat a balanced diet.

And 11 per cent will use weight loss supplements or products, such as weight loss injections.

Of these, they are hoping to shift more than a stone and half each on average, with nine per cent hopeful of losing three or more stone.

Dr Wyllie added: “Getting healthier and losing weight doesn’t mean overhauling your life overnight.

“Focus on sustainable changes, like eating more whole foods, staying hydrated, and finding physical activities you enjoy.

“If you would like additional support to lose weight, speak to your doctor about weight loss treatments.”

Vital 5 ways to stay healthy

THE Vital 5 is a term the NHS uses for the main ways you can stay healthier for longer.

These are:

  • stopping smoking (tobacco)
  • safe drinking (alcohol)
  • healthy weight
  • healthy mind (mental health)
  • blood pressure

It says: “By measuring these five things regularly, we can find and manage any risks to your health earlier.

“If you make improvements in the five areas, you can stay healthier for longer.”


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