Study reveals optimal home temperature for elderly brain health

Study reveals optimal home temperature for elderly brain health

A study identified a relationship between indoor temperatures and cognitive performance in older adults, revealing…

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Elderly brains work better when home temperatures are in this range

Elderly brains work better when home temperatures are in this range

Adjusting the thermostat could make a difference in how well brains work for the elderly. In…

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Court ruling throws wrench in Medicaid home care transition

Court ruling throws wrench in Medicaid home care transition

A new court ruling could hinder the state’s transition of the Medicaid home care program that…

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Protecting access to vital home health care for seniors: Lisa Von Lehmden

Protecting access to vital home health care for seniors: Lisa Von Lehmden

AVON, Ohio — As Ohio welcomes two new U.S. senators next year, and faces a rapidly…

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Central Florida Home Health Care Nurse Arrested, Stealing 0,000 from Blind, Elderly Victim

Central Florida Home Health Care Nurse Arrested, Stealing $140,000 from Blind, Elderly Victim

A Central Florida home health care nurse was arrested after stealing over $140,000 from a blind…

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Effect of individually tailored nutritional counseling on frailty status in older adults with protein-energy malnutrition or risk of it: an intervention study among home care clients

Effect of individually tailored nutritional counseling on frailty status in older adults with protein-energy malnutrition or risk of it: an intervention study among home care clients

Clegg A, Young J, Ilife S, Rikkert MO, Rockwood K. Frailty in elderly people. Lancet. 2013;381:752–62.…

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